#PinkyPromiseKevin ON 26 November, 2012 AT Monday, November 26, 2012
Yahhhh. It's already 25 November ? Tarikh yg aku nanti-nantikan sejak 25 Nov tahun lepas. LOL. Lamanya aku tunggu. And now its here. Yeah. Omg. Aku sayang gila gila dekat bias aku yang sambut birthday dia harini. Omg. Kevin-ahh, i love you. Seriously. I love you so much :* Oh dah satu tahun aku minat kau kan ? Wow, hebak :') kbai. Sayang punya pasal, sbb tu bertahan lama. Tak gitu kevin ? lol. Eh, act sblum birthday kevin ni aku bad mood kot. Serious aku malas nk buat ape ape pun mase tu. Aku dah rncng banyak nk buat for birthday boy kita ni haaa tapi disebabkan mood aku tak elok, aku buat satu bnde je. Kbai. Sedih gila. Kenapa aku harus bad mood mase birthday kevin jugak ? lol. Dream much. Then, bila aku nampak Kevin tweet, baru aku bersemangat sikit nak tweet kat dia. And . . . aku dah terlebih bersemangat. lol. Semalam kat twitter aku semuanya aku tweet for kevin. Seriously. Like semua yg aku tweet for him. Kalau tak percaya korang tgk ah sendiri. lol. And sampai kawan kawan aku pun mention kat kevin suruh dia balas tweet aku. lmao. Betapa byknya aku mention dia. luls xD sorry kevin. I just want you to mention me even once. EVEN ONCE. But you didn't do that and it hurts me. Okay. I know who i am and who you are. kay *touching jap* By the way,
Happy Birthday ma boy, Kevin Woo
Stay healthy and keep smiling :')
I love you and i'll always do.
omg inpiniteu. kau tahu tak yg aku tgh rindu korang skrg ni ? wae perform kat inkigayo ? luls xD btw, dae. i miss you too :'D